苺畑より In the Strawberry Fields



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モサブ・ハサーン・ユーセフ(Mosab Hassan Yousef)氏はハマス創設者の息子で、ハマスの汚いやり方に嫌気がさしてキリスト教に改宗。イスラエルと協力してハマス打倒に命を捧げている人だ。下記は彼のTwitter(X)で掲載されていたビデオ演説を書き起こしたもの。3分43秒のスピーチなのだが、結構な量になってしまった。少しづつ訳してみよう。彼の英語はネイティブではないからおかしなところもあるので、適当に意訳した。


There are bunch of movements coming forward in the west. Angry in the streets protesting, some call themselves "pro Palestine", some call themselves "free Palestine." Others say "end occupation." What occupation are you talking about? Do you mean in Israel? And give Hamas what they want? Give Hamas weaponry, soldiers, army, so they can mess more global security? Are you totally blind? How can't you see, the things common between the west and Israel? And how can't you see the violence and the brutality of Hamas movement?


Or your hatred. You have nothing to do with Palestine. You are just projecting your hatred and inflecting emotional pain on Jewish people as they morn a modern day holocaust! Do you think this is how you help Palestine? There is no such a thing as Palestine. Palestine what? Yser Alafat's Palestine? PLO Palestine? PA Palestine? Hamas Palestine? Islamic Jihad Palestine? What Palestine you are protesting for?


You have no idea what you are talking about. I am being emotional. I have a fucking right to be emotional. Because I speak behalf of children. As a Palestinian child of the land I am qualified to talk about the subject. But you, you have no idea what you are talking about. You have never been there. You did not live the pain of that land. So what are you protesting against or about? What is your problem?


Let me be clear. This war will go the way we want it to go. Your opinion doesn't matter. Even if you are majority you don't matter. Not in this war, it's not your business. You protest against your politicians in London in Paris everywhere, wherever you want. That's your business. But in the middle east, within the business middle east style (pistol gesture) the middle east style. We are going after Hamas leaders and we are going to kill all of them. And nobody is gonna get in the way. Those are criminals, and those are terrorists. They have a lot of blood in their hands. Hamas prisoners in Israeli prisons must be executed. We are going to destroy Hamas' infrastructure. And that's the answer to their brutality. There is no way around it.


As you can see, I am not politically correct. I am not your type. And I will not be. This act of Hamas did not only bring the rath of Israel against Gaza and Gaza people, it brought the rath of god. And you will see god in action.

1978年ヨルダン川西岸のラマッラでイスラム教の家庭に生まれる。父親のシェイク・ハッサン・ユーセフは、イスラエルへの自爆攻撃などで国際的に知られるテロリスト集団「ハマス」の7人の創設者の1人である。87年に始まった第1次インティファーダでの投石など、少年時代からパレスチナ人の抵抗運動に身を投じ、イスラエル軍に捕えられ投獄を繰り返すが、獄中で見たハマスの実態に衝撃を受ける。その後、イスラエル総保安局シン・ベトに協力し、シモン・ペレス外相(現大統領)の暗殺計画の阻止をはじめ、多くの市民の命を救う。2007年に渡米し、2010年政治亡命する。谷内意咲 @ミルトス@Taniuchi139